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Thursday, April 02, 2020
Well, it's middle of Lent and we've given up alcohol.
It's middle(?) of Wuhan Corona Virus 19 Lockdown time.
How to fill the gap? Fancy Teas.
My Mariage Frères Shipment |
It's been a long time since I've gone on a Fancy Tea jag and now's the
perfect time. Something to reach for when bored in the afternoon, instead of chips. Something to sip in the evening instead of our accumulated
Wine Club buys.
For the evenings especially, since The Missus is caffeine sensitive, I've chosen... unstrong teas. Two rooibos-based teas and one a flavored green tea.
The first, Mariage Frères Rouge Bourbon was the tea that justified taking a chance on the other two online. It's hard to drop Good Tea money on Leaves Previously Unsniffed. It's a tasty, rooibos-based tea with a pleasant body and very nice cigar-y vanilla-y flavors.
The next, Mariage Frères Marco Polo Rouge, flower-y, fruity rooibos tea. I'd say this one is *not* one that I'd have more that one cup of this one at a time. It's pleasant, but a bit overpowering for haviing seconds.
The final, the Mariage Frères Casablanca, is a green tea with a very refreshing snap of mint. Inhaling near a freshly-opened tin is a nice sinus-clearer.
I'm very happy with my purchases, as I Shelter In Place, like a good little Moleman.
Labels: COVID-19, Mariage Frères, Tea, Wuhan
posted by DRH 4/02/2020 01:04:00 AM
Sunday, March 15, 2020
I think I'll start Blogging to Nobody again.
We've been slapped with the back of Mother Nature's Wuhand and confined to our rooms.

posted by DRH 3/15/2020 05:14:00 PM
Friday, March 20, 2015
I should blog. It's so retro.
posted by DRH 3/20/2015 10:57:00 AM
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Here's a link to teh SCOAMF image. Mainly because I like the idea that so many google hits are showing up now.
Labels: SCOAMF
posted by DRH 8/20/2011 05:10:00 PM
Monday, February 08, 2010
It's been a while... my current blog is now... hydarblog, (Actually, hydarblog v2.0 cuz v1.0 was on blogger and the newer one is on wordpress. M'kay?)
posted by DRH 2/08/2010 11:06:00 PM
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Facists from New York hate donuts.
Dan Weaver The Book Hound 768 Queen Anne Rd. Amsterdam, NY 12010
518 842-7504 mental illness
Labels: Amsterdam New York, Book Hound, Dan Weaver
posted by DRH 7/16/2009 01:10:00 PM
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
is this thing still here?
posted by DRH 7/08/2008 06:21:00 PM
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Dennis Woodruff (yikes!)
posted by DRH 6/06/2006 01:51:00 PM
Monday, June 13, 2005
What could possibly be so important...
... that I finally post to my blog? Well, it's ducks
posted by DRH 6/13/2005 08:42:00 PM
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Rottweiler Watch!
I rather like the Curt Jester's take on the new nickname that the media started circulating for the new Pope, God's Rottweiler. Just for fun, I started tracking the growth of this "cute" little nickname, as the forces of Not Very Nice spread it. Using this google query, I saw 328 hits just before midnight (about 25 hours ago). Now I am seeing 920. How many tomorrow? Click the link and join in the fun!
posted by DRH 4/21/2005 12:37:00 AM
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Maybe I should post again...
posted by DRH 4/20/2005 11:54:00 PM
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Ray Harryhausen in Marin! Tonight I head over to the Rafael Theater to see Ray HarryHausen. He did the cool special effects animation before they had them there cool computers to do the heavy lifting. I remember sitting through all the tedious "plot" of the Sinbad movies when I was a kid.... to get to the grand payoff... the giant monsters and cool, sword-wielding skeletons!
posted by DRH 1/29/2005 02:28:00 PM
Sponge Bob and all that It's always fun to watch the media at work... if the first guy to report something gives it a certain spin, the rest of the herd pretty much picks it up; if it's particularly catchy, the spin lives on even if it has little to do with the basic facts. Take the Sponge Bob is Gay storyline... somehow the claim "lots of cartoon characters are being used in a video to push an agenda on kids" was transmogrified into, well, "Sponge Bob is gay".
posted by DRH 1/29/2005 08:14:00 AM
Friday, January 28, 2005
Walk for Life on EWTN An episode of Life on the Rock covering it is currently available on their website. Thrill to the Friar Cam!
posted by DRH 1/28/2005 08:41:00 PM
Dirty Computer Screen? Here is a great service that will clean it for free!
posted by DRH 1/28/2005 12:02:00 AM
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Quote of the Day "Science is tasty." -- Alton Brown
posted by DRH 1/27/2005 04:55:00 PM
Monday, January 24, 2005
Weirdness in News Coverage
Very few of the accounts mention that that people that were arrested were on the pro-abortion side. Huh.
I've also seen a few news articles where they say that the pro-Life folks were chanting things like "Women deserve better" ... but I never once heard any such thing. Occasionally some would pray the Hail Mary or some would sing a Marian hymn or "Amazing Grace", but no chanting slogans. The signs carried by a majority of us did say "Women deserve better than abortion". (Some of the "creative" pro-abortion folks took up the chant "Women deserve better. Women deserve choice". Which is weird, since by choice they mean, well, abortion... so it pretty much collapses to "women don't deserve better, given abortions" sigh.)
posted by DRH 1/24/2005 01:37:00 AM
Sunday, January 23, 2005
In the Belly of the Beast : notes on the West Coast Walk for Life
Yesterday, I went on the Walk for Life in San Francisco, from Justin Herman Plaza to the Marina green. Here are some impressions and random interesting bits.
First, the turnout was amazing. They were saying that 7,000 people showed up. One thing that really stands out is that this is San Francisco -- the bluest part of one of the bluest states. Despite this and a proclamation from Mayor Newsom that yesterday was "Defend Choice Day" (or some equivalent euphemism), there were several times more people that showed on the side of Life.
Second, the pro-abortion folks seemed angry not just passionate, angry.
Third, what a beatiful day! Nice and sunny, mild temperature.
Fourth, some of the counter-demonstrators seemed to be all over the map; some brought up the war in Iraq. Some brought up gay issues. Most assumed that everyone on the pro-Life side were in lock step in every way with the Bush administration. Whenever someone replied that, say, they didn't support the war... the counter demonstrators just looked stunned and confused for a minute... then just haragued the next set of walkers.
Fifth, for some reason, lots of the pro-abortion folks assumed that all the Walk for Life people were from out of town ("Go back to the Central Valley" and "go back to Fresno" seemed to be common taunts.) As above, when someone replied that they were from San Francisco, they just looked puzzled for a minute... then continued the same harague on the next set of walkers. Weird.
More later....
posted by DRH 1/23/2005 02:57:00 PM
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Cool Office Toys!
You can build your own tiny cube farm and place it within the larger cube farm in which you work. The only way this could be better is if one of the accessories are an even tinier cubical set that you could put on one of the tinier desks. Man, I love recursion!

posted by DRH 1/22/2005 01:44:00 AM
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Habanero Burgers! After literally years of waiting, I finally made the trip to the Prince of Wales Pub in San Mateo for their killer habanero-based death burgers.
The inspiration fo going was reading this tale log ago... it's a fun read. Anyhoo, the place is a dinky little hole-in-the-wall with suprisingly good food. The guy sitting next to me at the bar had some spare "honey BBQ" wings and they were excellent.
posted by DRH 1/09/2005 03:21:00 PM
Saturday, January 01, 2005
More Whining
Holy Crap! This year will be 20 years since graduating college!
posted by DRH 1/01/2005 03:16:00 AM
Friday, December 31, 2004
I am old
Yep. 43. As of today. More later.
posted by DRH 12/31/2004 01:39:00 AM
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Because You Have a Right to Know! Using the Freedom of Information Act, we at the Cornblog have found a copy of the "Global Test" of which John Kerry spoke the other night. Enjoy.
posted by DRH 10/03/2004 06:16:00 PM
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Support Four-Legged Refugees! USsoldiers want to bring their furry pals home! Check out this website to help rescue Iraqi critters.
posted by DRH 10/02/2004 11:26:00 AM
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Cameron Diaz sets Blondes Back 10 Years On a very special Oprah, she offered this advice to pro-rape voters. Oh, I'm sorry... that should read "[S]he offered this advice to voters who are pro-choice on rape".
"if you think that rape should be legal, then don't vote." - C. Diaz
posted by DRH 9/30/2004 10:49:00 AM
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
These people are, like, soooo mature Lynne Cheney Jokes About Kerry's Tan, then Demo spokes critters counter with their own bon mots... la la la la la.. fate of the free world hangs in the balance... la la la laaaaaa...
posted by DRH 9/29/2004 08:18:00 PM
St. Blog's Parish